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GDPR Contract Agreement


established in Turkey, Emek Mah. Bishkek Cad. Located at No:125-127/16 Çankaya/ANKARA, MORGON GROUP DANIŞMANLIK VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ (Maltepe VD. 755 066 9540) MERSİS NO: 0755066954000001(Hereinafter referred to as “MORGON” or “COMPANY”) as; As data controller, Your personal data will be recorded, stored, preserved and rearranged within the framework of the purpose that requires processing and in connection with this purpose, in a limited and measured manner, preserving the accuracy and most up-to-date version of the personal data as you have notified or notified us, and those who are legally authorized to request this personal data We hereby inform you that it will be shared with institutions and organizations, transferred to domestic third parties, transferred, classified and processed in other ways listed in the Personal Data Protection Law (hereinafter referred to as "KVKK");                 

In all circumstances, the personal data you provide to us as stated below; Depending on the situation, your personal data we obtained in the following ways, within the scope of our legal relations,

●        If required by the work performed, your personal data we obtain in the ways specified below,

●        Within the scope of our commercial relations or our business relationship with you;

●        requiring processingwithin the framework of the purpose and in connection with this purpose, limited and measuredway,

●        The personal data you have notified or notified to us will be recorded, stored, preserved, reorganized, shared with institutions legally authorized to request this personal data, and transferred, assigned, and classified to domestic third parties, under the conditions stipulated by KVKK, by preserving its accuracy and most up-to-date version. We hereby inform you that it may be processed in other ways listed in KVKK.           


                When you come to visit our company, we collect your personal data that you request or choose to share with us, by providing us verbally or physically. Information collected from you by different methods or at different times can be matched and used in accordance with the Law and this Information Text. In this context, your personal data will be collected in order to be processed within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law and in line with the legal reasons and purposes stated in this Information Text.


Your personal data processed within the scope of this Information Text is as follows:




Name, Surname, İdentification Number


Phone number, email address


Bank he/she works for, name on the credit card, information on the slip (name and surname of the person making the transaction, transaction date, amount, first 4 and last 4 digits of the credit card, transaction time), billing information, mobile billing information, current account information.


Purchased product/service information, Evaluations, opinions or complaints about the product and service,

 (We reserve the right to change and update our company regarding the above-mentioned data that our company processes and this information text. (In accordance with Article 4 of the KVKKMORNING'un has the obligation to keep your personal data accurate and up-to-date. In this contextMORNING'unYou must share your accurate and up-to-date data with our Company in order to fulfill its obligations arising from the applicable legislation. If your data is changed in any way, our We kindly ask you to update your data by sending an e-mail to . Regarding this issue, our company will respond to you that your data has been updated. Therefore, We kindly request that you repeat your request until we respond to you. Otherwise, our Company is not responsible for any update e-mails that do not reach us.)


             Your collected personal data is subject to your disclosure of your personal data to us;planning and execution of business activities and operational processes; To ensure the execution of the contracts established between you and the company during your purchase of any goods or services from our company or your participation in its campaigns and/or for other reasons, to comply with information storage, reporting and information obligations; To be able to offer our products / services requested by you, to know our customers within the information you have approved to be processed and to improve the quality of communication / service, to inform them about advertisements and campaigns, to continue the commercial relationship, to ensure that the Company activities are carried out in accordance with the Company procedures or relevant legislation.; Planning or execution of the Company's financial risk processes; Planning and execution of after-sales support services and obligations, customer satisfaction, corporate communication activities, customer/visitor relations and customer/visitor requests and complaints management processes;planning or execution of business continuity activities;follow-up of contract processes or legal requests;monitoring financial or accounting affairs; corporate sustainability, corporate governance,strategic planning andplanning, auditing and execution of information security processes; sales, marketing and promotion processes of products and services and market research, Determination of service concept and planning and execution of privatization activities;Ensuring the security of the company campus; Ensuring information security; Ensuring the legal and commercial security of our Company and the people who have business relations with our Company; will be processed within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of Law No. 6698.


Carrying out the necessary work by the relevant business units for the realization of the above-mentioned purposes and commercial activities carried out by the Company and carrying out the related business processes, planning and execution of the Company's commercial and/or business strategies, and the performance of the Company and related parties in business relations with the Company. For the purposes of ensuring the legal, technical and commercial-occupational security of individualsMORNINGaspect, It can be transferred to company lawyers, financial advisors or judicial and administrative authorities and law enforcement forces, legally authorized institutions and organizations and legally authorized private law legal entities in accordance with the relevant legislation and legal provisions, for the specified purposes, and can be processed domestically..    (Your data is not shared with unrelated third parties.)                                                                


            Obligations imposed by legal regulations are taken into account when determining the storage period of personal data. Apart from legal regulations, the storage period is determined by taking into account the purposes for which personal data is processed. If the purpose of data processing no longer exists, the data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized unless there is another legal reason or basis that allows the data to be retained. The purpose of processing personal data has expired; If the storage periods determined by the relevant legislation and the Company have expired; Personal data can only be stored to serve as evidence in possible legal disputes or to assert the relevant right based on personal data or to establish a defense. In establishing the periods herein, retention periods are determined based on the limitation periods for asserting the mentioned right and the examples in the requests previously directed to the Company on the same issues, even though the limitation periods have passed. In this case, the stored personal data is not accessed for any other purpose and the relevant personal data is accessed only when it needs to be used in the relevant legal dispute. Here too, after the mentioned period expires, personal data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized.




Part of the contract process and maintenance of the contract

10 years following the termination of the contractual relationship

Immediately after the end of the storage period

Data collected in accordance with other relevant legislation

For the period stipulated in the relevant legislation

Immediately after the end of the storage period

Payment transactions

10 years following the termination of the contractual relationship

Immediately after the end of the storage period

customer transaction

10 years from the presentation of each product/service purchased by the Customer, in accordance with Turkish Code of Obligations Article 146 and Turkish Commercial Code Article 82.

Immediately after the end of the storage period

Filing of all kinds of documents

10 years

Immediately after the end of the storage period

(We reserve the right to update and change.)


As data controller regarding the processing of your personal dataMORNING In accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK, regarding your personal data, provided that you prove your identity;

a)      Learning whether your personal data is being processed or not,

b)      Requesting information about your personal data if it has been processed,

c)      Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

d)      Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,

e)      Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,

f)       Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law,

g)      Requesting that the transactions made be notified to third parties to whom personal data are transferred, in accordance with articles "e" and "f" above,

h)      Object to the emergence of a result unfavorable to you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automatic systems, and

i)        If you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data, you have the right to request compensation for the damage.

Your requests in your application will be finalized free of charge within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost for the Company, the fee specified in the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller may be charged by the Personal Data Protection Board.                         You can send your application to our company regarding the processing of your personal data.Emek Mah. Bishkek Cad. No:125-127/16 Çankaya/ANKARAatTo our companyYou must submit it in writing. Depending on the nature of your request and your application method, the Company may request additional verifications (such as sending a message to your registered phone or calling you) in order to determine whether the application belongs to you and thus to protect your rights.




Address          : Emek Mah. Bishkek Cad. No:125-127/16 Çankaya/ANKARA                

Telephone: 0(312) 911 49 97 / 0532 219 32 39                                                                  

e-mail  :


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